3 Benefits of Hiring Professional Movers

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moving things from a shed to a storage unit

About a year ago, I had a tree fall through the roof of my storage shed on my property. This left me with the immediate need to find somewhere to keep everything that was previously stored in the shed. This was the first time that I ever found a use for a storage unit rental. I loaded up everything that I knew I wouldn't need anytime soon and took it over to the storage unit and dumped it off. I liked this option so much that I didn't bother buying a new shed. To get some ideas about how to store things in a storage unit, continue reading through my blog.


3 Benefits of Hiring Professional Movers

16 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're planning on moving to a new home, you may be wondering if you should pack and haul your belongings yourself, or hire professional movers. You may be tempted to avoid the cost of professional movers, but there are many reasons professional movers make your relocation easier. If you would like to know more, check out these three benefits of hiring professional movers.

They Do the Heavy Lifting

The leading benefit of professional movers is they do much of the work. Different moving companies provide different options. For example, some may pack, haul, and unpack your items for you. Others may require you to pack and unpack, but they put all the boxes and furniture in the correct rooms at the new house.

Regardless, it's best to have the floor cleared, and kids and pets should be kept at another house or in a separate room so that they don't get hurt or cause someone to drop and break an item. If you pack your own items, make sure to sort and mark items with the correct room, so the movers know where to place them in the new house.

They Have the Necessary Equipment

A big problem with moving everything you own is the lack of equipment. First, you need a big truck or van to transport everything, unless you want to make a lot of trips and waste a lot of gas in a car or small truck. Therefore, even if you don't pay for movers, you must pay for a lot of gas and wear and tear on your car (which is worsened by the excess weight of your belongings), or a rental moving van.

In addition, you'll need to physically move your belongings to the van and into the new house. Some items may need multiple people to lift, others may need special dollies. If you're moving out of or into an apartment, you may need different equipment to deal with moving items up and down floors. Professional movers have all the equipment and skills needed to get the job done safely and without dropping any of your belongings.

They Understand Possible Hazards

If you move your own belongings, you can move everything you own, but professional movers can't, and this can be a good thing. Some items are potentially hazardous to move, and you may not realize it. Fertilizer, for example, could explode under the right circumstances, so professional movers can't move those items, and it may be best if you avoided it too.

Other hazardous items movers can't move include gasoline, oxygen bottles, lighter fluid, propane, nail polish remover, paint thinner, and much more. These are all flammable and could increase the risk of a fire or cause a fire to burn hotter.

If you're thinking of moving, start looking for professional movers. Since they have the equipment, skills, and education, they can reduce the risk of injury and damage. If you would like to know more, contact a moving company in your area such as Gameday Moving Services.